Saturday, July 5, 2008

CMPB + Passion AC

4th July, America's Independence Day, my medical checkup day and also Passion AC day. So fun right? Haha. Went for CMPB checkup in the morning with Kang De, Kee Ann and Zhong Xian. The 4 of us had quite some fun at CMPB and the bus ride back to school from CMPB was the best. We were so unhappy with the bus uncle that we were like saying all the guai lan things very very loud. The bus uncle was weird. We went up the bus and tap our cards and he wanted to check our bus pass cause he thinks we cannot be students. So okay lor take out and check. But its so weird, a bit too extreme i think and his attitude wasn't the best kind of attitude. So the 4 of us were just totally du lan by him that we started to like complain about Singapore's bus system and stuff like that. Super funny though. Haha. Oh anw, im in PES B because of having a history of Scoliosis.

So anw, got back to school. Took my own time to settle down before going up to the hall. Much to my relief, everything was more or less there already. Just that the mixer was patched like totally wrong, wonder who did the patching of the mixer. So i just went about re-patching everything and its done. Tested the whole system and it was just sounding the way its supposed to sound. Monitors were also working perfectly fine too just that it is also patched wrongly to the amp-_-. So got everything up and ready by around 4.30ish? Waited for the CF people to come back and we began our sound check. I took a different approach this time round for sound check. I ensured that all the monitors were having a good mix through them. I walked around the stage listening to their monitors ensuring that there was nothing being too loud or too soft. The most fun person to do sound check with must have been the drummer. Quite comical. Haha. 6.30 came and people came in. Started at around like near 7.20 i think. Shall not talk so much about the mix, but i had fun doing the mix, cause its also most probably the last mix for me being an MRC member :'(

Oh wells, there is a time to let go of stuff and yesterday was officially the last event the J2s would be doing. From then on, its the J1s turn to do events already. I'm really kind of worried for them, but I can't do much anymore. What i should have taught them, I taught them. What i should have cultured in them, i really HOPE that i have cultured in them. Now its up to them to up their standards. All the best J1s!

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