Friday, April 11, 2008

PW Results

We got back our results today. I got an A but somehow i did not feel as happy as i should have been. Only 2 people in my group got As. See Toh and me. The rest all got B. I felt that i have sort of failed as a PW group leader cause i did not lead my group to success. On the surface, it looks as if i worked for myself only, cause i got an A but the rest did not. I'm really sorry for not doing a good job PWAC122... Really sorry.

Seeing Marshella's and Vivian's expression when i told them that got B's hurt me quite a lot. The fact that Marshella did not get an A made me feel irritated. She was the one who did the most work in the group but yet she got a B. She was the most hardworking one, most determined one but yet she did not get an A. I'm really sorry Marshella. Vivian, the most cheerful one. The most rationale one. The most analytical one. The one who really cared about team spirit. But she did not get an A. I really don't know what to say. Her sad, dejected face just made me feel guilty of not doing a good job as a PW leader. Alvin too didn't get an A. I guess all i can say to them now is that i'm really sorry and not to be sad cause whats done cannot be undone. Must look ahead and strive hard to score for other content subjects! Getting a B isn't the end of the world, be optimistic!

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