This is bad, bad, bad. Although the doctor says that it is more likely of a migrane, how can i keep on getting it? I got it again just now and i just slept through it. So now my eyes are still sort of recovering from it.
I felt really bad today when i sort of forced my friend to say something out unwillingly without me really knowing that i forced him. I am very very sorry for that. I really don't know what to say or do but to appologise. There really is a problem with me. My words don't go through my brain before it comes out. It just comes out, like that. I must change, i must.
Today after school, i wanted to go home and do so many things. Like err try out a circuit i have in my brain, test that Jade's laptop is spoilt because of her hard disk. In the end, i only managed to do the second. I downloaded a copy of Knoppix, which is a form of Linux, and this copy could be burned into a cd and the whole OS runs from the cd. Im quite amazed at the usability of it and how user friendly for it to be set up.
Dunno what to blog about cause my head is still suffering from just now's headache. Better stop now.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Yesterday, i went to Jurong Medical Centre to have my eyes checked up. Woah that place is like a villa. It doesn't even look or feel like a medical centre. The atmosphere and surrounding air makes you feel comfortable and there is no medicine smell lingering in the air. There was no crowd so the process was quite fast. I left that place at around 4pm. So after registering at the counter, i had my eyes checked by firstly calculating and measuring the degree of astigmatism of my eyes. Next up was a machine that measured the pressure of my eyes. It blowed air into my eyes very quickly and my eyes could not help it but blink when it fires the pocket of air out of the machine's nozzle into my eyes. Next up, the doctor tended to me. I think he used some tools to look into my eyes. The doctor wanted me to do some tests and so more machines to test on me, actually only 2 more. This doctor refered me to another doctor to assist me with the tests. The first one was this machine where i had to stare a orange dot and notice the surrounding of that orange dot. if a white spot appears around it, i must press a button. Each eye took quite some time for the test to be done and it was quite strenuous on my eyes. After that test, the doctor applied some eyedrops for me which were suppose to dilate my pupils. The doctor cautioned me that for the next few hours, my eyes would not be able to see clearly and the images would be blurred. Call me a sadist but I found it pretty intresting for my eyes not to be able to see clearly. Around 40 minutes later, my vision turned very blurred. Aparently, my pupils has dilated, so the doctor brought me to another machine not to run another test but to take a photograph of the back of my eye. I had to stare into this big big lens which had some yellow light in it. The doctor said one two three and i blinked. Of course i was not supposed to blink but there was flash light! Imagine looking right at your camera's flashlight staring into it and then let it shoot you. Had a few tries and finally it was completed. Oh, the doctor also said i have long eye lashes but i don't really believe that. So anyway, i was done with my test so i went back to see the first doctor. He made a "partial" conclusion that my problem was more of a migrain and it had nothing got to do with my eyes. He made me do a blood test which i totally hated and was very afriad to. Shall not elaborate on that blood test part.
Okay lets move on to today. Reached school then i saw sam and shermy at the bleaches again with their MG friends. So went up to the cage and somehow i felt something wrong with the whole CCA group today. I could almost immediately guess that something happened the day before that is causing all this fire power in the house. Ignored it and just fiddled around with the mixer. Sam and Shermy did the mixer today. Nothing much but the laptop sound screwed up again. It screws up almost everyday now. "Someone" plugged the XLR that was coming from the laptop directly into the mixer without a convert to convert the XLR into 2 phonos. End up? The sound was totally cancelled out because of the mixing of the left and right channel into one channel. I was also quite stupid to actually wonder how will that work because the theory part of me tells me that it will not work right but the morally right part of me tells me to respect my seniors work.So lectures began and i figured out what went wrong with MRC the previous day. Well i'm in no position to comment on it so i shall just keep quiet but hearing the story "amazed" me.
Lessons and more lessons. Nothing intresting about lessons apart from that that Derek imitated the teachers in our school today just before the maths lecture. It was just hilarious. School ended at 4.10pm, yes its a very long day. I received a SMS just before i left school. Jade wanted to pass me her laptop for me to "repair". So we met at KAP and it was just a short meeting. Followed her to cold storage for her to buy $20 worth of food. She bought apple juice, kit kat and honey stars. Must be all for herself. Maybe she is going to eat it in such a way: Honey Stars mixed in apple juice with additional Kit-Kat to top it off. Yucks! Okay so i had to bring the laptop back home and THE LAPTOP FEELS AS IF IT WEIGHS A TON! Lugged it back home with care and started to debug it. I guess it will need a part replacement but will have to confirm that before making her invest on it.
Okay lets move on to today. Reached school then i saw sam and shermy at the bleaches again with their MG friends. So went up to the cage and somehow i felt something wrong with the whole CCA group today. I could almost immediately guess that something happened the day before that is causing all this fire power in the house. Ignored it and just fiddled around with the mixer. Sam and Shermy did the mixer today. Nothing much but the laptop sound screwed up again. It screws up almost everyday now. "Someone" plugged the XLR that was coming from the laptop directly into the mixer without a convert to convert the XLR into 2 phonos. End up? The sound was totally cancelled out because of the mixing of the left and right channel into one channel. I was also quite stupid to actually wonder how will that work because the theory part of me tells me that it will not work right but the morally right part of me tells me to respect my seniors work.So lectures began and i figured out what went wrong with MRC the previous day. Well i'm in no position to comment on it so i shall just keep quiet but hearing the story "amazed" me.
Lessons and more lessons. Nothing intresting about lessons apart from that that Derek imitated the teachers in our school today just before the maths lecture. It was just hilarious. School ended at 4.10pm, yes its a very long day. I received a SMS just before i left school. Jade wanted to pass me her laptop for me to "repair". So we met at KAP and it was just a short meeting. Followed her to cold storage for her to buy $20 worth of food. She bought apple juice, kit kat and honey stars. Must be all for herself. Maybe she is going to eat it in such a way: Honey Stars mixed in apple juice with additional Kit-Kat to top it off. Yucks! Okay so i had to bring the laptop back home and THE LAPTOP FEELS AS IF IT WEIGHS A TON! Lugged it back home with care and started to debug it. I guess it will need a part replacement but will have to confirm that before making her invest on it.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Went to see a doctor to check out what is wrong with my eyes. The doctor did not really know but he suspected that there was some floaters in my eyes. According to the dictionary, floater is
"A speck or small thread in the visual field, usually perceived to be moving, that are caused by minute aggregations of cells or proteins in the vitreous humor of the eye." He refered me to a specialist clinic and the appointment is for tomorrow. Hope that nothing goes wrong tomorrow.
Samantha is leaving after this week for aussie to pursue her education. Okay maybe not really SHE want to pursue but her parents thinks that it is better for her to go to aussie to receive education. It is such a sudden and sad news when she told me about it. I can't really do anything for her but to hope that she will adapt to her new environment as soon as possible. Oh and find new friends too! Good luck to you Sam!
"A speck or small thread in the visual field, usually perceived to be moving, that are caused by minute aggregations of cells or proteins in the vitreous humor of the eye." He refered me to a specialist clinic and the appointment is for tomorrow. Hope that nothing goes wrong tomorrow.
Samantha is leaving after this week for aussie to pursue her education. Okay maybe not really SHE want to pursue but her parents thinks that it is better for her to go to aussie to receive education. It is such a sudden and sad news when she told me about it. I can't really do anything for her but to hope that she will adapt to her new environment as soon as possible. Oh and find new friends too! Good luck to you Sam!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Dang my eyes are acting up again. I wonder what is wrong with them. It happened on friday and this morning it happened again. A patch of colourful dots appears in my sight of view and it blocks me from seeing things that are in the middle of my vision. Then when it fades away, my head starts to ache. Now i am actually typing without my spectacles on. I think it is time i went to see a doctor or on optician about this problem just in case it is something very serious.
So today. First day of "actual" lessons and it is a terribly long day. This morning, as i have to reach school earlier to help setup up the equipments for chapel, i decided to wake my parents up earlier so that we can leave home much more earlier. My sister was obviously against going earlier cause she would then reach school even earlier. But well, i still reached school anyway. It was rainging very heavily and everyone whom i saw walk to school were soaking drench. Alot of people was late and the best thing was that assembly started late for them. Thats a very thoughtful thing for the school to do. At least they understand that we students have difficulties getting to school if it was raining so heavily.
Chappel went on and i was doing the sound mixer again. I seriously need to let other people do the sound mixer. Throughout chapel, the piano sound was like so weird. On PFL, it sounded as if it was raindrops but then i could hear clearly the piano sounds in the hall, so decided that it was not a problem. After chapel was house meeting. I ponned it and slacked in the hall listening to the TCT group people discuss about the list of people competing in the swim meet. Miss Tay was talking to us about the new J1s who were joining MRC and then she made a remark that i was too noisy in chinese. Well okay i agree im a bit too noisy but at least the things that i was saying is not rubbish and useless. I am who i am and i will be who i am. No point changing who i am just for her. The most is that me ad her will never be able to come to terms. But i don't really care.
So lessons, lessons and more lessons continued. 3 hours non-stop lecture ranging from Physics to Chemistry to Maths. Half of chemistry lecture was spent doing nothing but talking cause there was apparetly some miscommunication between the lecturers and the first half lecturer did not turn up. Next up was GP and Chinese. Chinese teacher is really don't know what to say about her. The way she teaches is really just too traditional. Just don't really like the way she teaches. Then PE. We went over to ACS(I) to cheer for our schools waterpolo team as they compete with HCI. The cheering part was really very funny as we hijacked HCI's drum beat and used it for our own cheer.
It was pretty boring over there so when the beel rang, Xiang Jun and me went back to ACJC to help out with MRC. There was this World Bank talk held in school today so we had duties to do. actually i had no duty, but i found one by turning the LT4's door into an automatic one using manual means. In simple words, i was something like a door opener. People coming near to the door, i will just open the door for them to gain entry to the LT. Quite stupid actually. During the talk, because it was so boring doing nothing in the cage of LT4, Reuben kindly brought up a deck of cards and we started playing bridge and tai tee. The event ended and somehow we dragged on and on while keeping the equipments till it was near 7pm. Went home with Reuben and we mainly stoned our way home. Total sentences i talked to him was like around 15. Also don't really know what to say to him.
So today. First day of "actual" lessons and it is a terribly long day. This morning, as i have to reach school earlier to help setup up the equipments for chapel, i decided to wake my parents up earlier so that we can leave home much more earlier. My sister was obviously against going earlier cause she would then reach school even earlier. But well, i still reached school anyway. It was rainging very heavily and everyone whom i saw walk to school were soaking drench. Alot of people was late and the best thing was that assembly started late for them. Thats a very thoughtful thing for the school to do. At least they understand that we students have difficulties getting to school if it was raining so heavily.
Chappel went on and i was doing the sound mixer again. I seriously need to let other people do the sound mixer. Throughout chapel, the piano sound was like so weird. On PFL, it sounded as if it was raindrops but then i could hear clearly the piano sounds in the hall, so decided that it was not a problem. After chapel was house meeting. I ponned it and slacked in the hall listening to the TCT group people discuss about the list of people competing in the swim meet. Miss Tay was talking to us about the new J1s who were joining MRC and then she made a remark that i was too noisy in chinese. Well okay i agree im a bit too noisy but at least the things that i was saying is not rubbish and useless. I am who i am and i will be who i am. No point changing who i am just for her. The most is that me ad her will never be able to come to terms. But i don't really care.
So lessons, lessons and more lessons continued. 3 hours non-stop lecture ranging from Physics to Chemistry to Maths. Half of chemistry lecture was spent doing nothing but talking cause there was apparetly some miscommunication between the lecturers and the first half lecturer did not turn up. Next up was GP and Chinese. Chinese teacher is really don't know what to say about her. The way she teaches is really just too traditional. Just don't really like the way she teaches. Then PE. We went over to ACS(I) to cheer for our schools waterpolo team as they compete with HCI. The cheering part was really very funny as we hijacked HCI's drum beat and used it for our own cheer.
It was pretty boring over there so when the beel rang, Xiang Jun and me went back to ACJC to help out with MRC. There was this World Bank talk held in school today so we had duties to do. actually i had no duty, but i found one by turning the LT4's door into an automatic one using manual means. In simple words, i was something like a door opener. People coming near to the door, i will just open the door for them to gain entry to the LT. Quite stupid actually. During the talk, because it was so boring doing nothing in the cage of LT4, Reuben kindly brought up a deck of cards and we started playing bridge and tai tee. The event ended and somehow we dragged on and on while keeping the equipments till it was near 7pm. Went home with Reuben and we mainly stoned our way home. Total sentences i talked to him was like around 15. Also don't really know what to say to him.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Yesterday the only thing i remembered is the great food! I attended my mother's cousin's son wedding dinner?! That is like a relative that is quite far away from me. I totally never met him before but well i enjoyed the food! Wish them a blissful marriage. There was abalone, shark's fin, big fish, great duck, prawns and wonderful dessert! Ate till my stomach almost exploded. It was simply irresistable. The best thing was that my table only had 8 people instead of 10 people. so i got to eat another extra bowl of shark's fin and alot more extras!
I had badminton trials yesterday. Did not get in again as expected but at least i tried again. Was not really disappointed or anything. I learned a new song yesterday too! Although it really wastes alot of time practising it, it really is fun! I shall try singing it to people on monday and see what their reactions are.
Something scary happened to me after badminton trials. My father came to pick me up. Then on the way home, I saw Miss Koh's car! WAH SHE WAS TAILING MY FATHER'S CAR! In my opinion, she is quite a hostile driver. She was filtering here and there and everywhere!
Okay now i need to practise my piano so that i can help my brother practise his violin.
I had badminton trials yesterday. Did not get in again as expected but at least i tried again. Was not really disappointed or anything. I learned a new song yesterday too! Although it really wastes alot of time practising it, it really is fun! I shall try singing it to people on monday and see what their reactions are.
Something scary happened to me after badminton trials. My father came to pick me up. Then on the way home, I saw Miss Koh's car! WAH SHE WAS TAILING MY FATHER'S CAR! In my opinion, she is quite a hostile driver. She was filtering here and there and everywhere!
Okay now i need to practise my piano so that i can help my brother practise his violin.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Its the second last day of lecture only week. I will miss this kind of timetable. In the morning, i was fiddling around with the video mixer in the cage. To me it was quite fun tracing down the cables and where they all came from or lead to. It is really very very messy over at the video mixer area. All the cable are lying on the table like super messy spaghetti. How i wish i can get the permission to help tidy up the place. Shermaine was acting kind of strange today. She was kind of down and did not talk through the whole of assembly. Hope that she can get over it soon.
At first i just installed one of the 2 pioneer speakers and had a wire soldered to the terminals of the speaker and then paralleling out to allow connection for the other speaker.
I went ahead to test it . The bass from just one of this bass unit was very lacking and it was lousier than the Altec one that was originally inside. I tried putting the 2 pioneer speaker in isobaric pattern and bass was alot more louder. Then after much thinking, i decided to use the Altec on the inside and put one pioneer one the outside in a isobaric configuration. It was super hard to install 2 speakers in a isobaric configuration. I had to create new screw holes for the bigger screws that i bought. Creating of these new holes were super difficult. In the end i did not even use the big screws i bought-_-. I used back 2 of the original screws and screw hole and 2 longer but same thread sized screws to fix the 2 speakers in position. The final product looked like this:
Then it was "let the lectures begin" session. Somehow, I was sitting with my OG and hanging around with them for almost the whole day today. Feels very nice to be around with them. In between, i had a 40 minute break. During that break, i did what was best for me, EAT! Went to the void deck with my OG and Uh Oh, Discipline Master (DM) was on a rampage to catch girls with short skirts. The group of us had 3 girls and they were sure to be caught. Manage to miss him for a few times but our luck went out when Jessica got caught. Actually her skirt is not really short, its just that the back part of her skirt is very short. According to Joel, it is because of her big butt but i shall not comment on that. All of us were very worried for her but we had to go for physics lecture and have no choice but to leave her alone to settle the battle with DM. After our physics lecture, we went back to the place we last saw her and we could only find her bag and in it was a "short" skirt and a sweater. It looked as if it was the aftermath of the battle. Just when our thoughts started to run wild about what happened to Jessica, she appeared! HAHA! Her skirt was touching her knees and because it is a new skirt, the skirt had folds that looked as if it was some accordian pattern from the 1980s.
So things went on and nothing much special happened. Reached home at around 3pm with a pack of cement and screws. I wanted to modify my subwoofer. I planned to change my existing subwoofer to a isobaric kind. Quite some time ago, one of my friends kindly gave me 2 pioneer 6.5" bass speakers. I wanted to replace the Altec speaker in the woofer with 2 of this in a cone to cone isobaric pattern.
I went ahead to test it . The bass from just one of this bass unit was very lacking and it was lousier than the Altec one that was originally inside. I tried putting the 2 pioneer speaker in isobaric pattern and bass was alot more louder. Then after much thinking, i decided to use the Altec on the inside and put one pioneer one the outside in a isobaric configuration. It was super hard to install 2 speakers in a isobaric configuration. I had to create new screw holes for the bigger screws that i bought. Creating of these new holes were super difficult. In the end i did not even use the big screws i bought-_-. I used back 2 of the original screws and screw hole and 2 longer but same thread sized screws to fix the 2 speakers in position. The final product looked like this:
The bass has turned more punchier but it terms of being able to go low, its not there. Overall, i was quite satisfied with the result and had the most fun while modding the subwoofer.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Today is a not so good but not so bad day. Lets start with the not so good part. Last night, i did not set my alarm clock so this morning i woke up late. So late that i had to eat breakfast in the car. What a way to start the day, but i still made it to school on time. Okay thats all for the not so good part.
Now the good part. Today is another day where i only start lectures at 11.50! So this time wasn't as boring as yesterday cause i went to the gym! Jin Zhe and Soe Min were doing the medicine ball thing. It looked super tough cause Jin Zhe was shouting and using all his strength to complete the whole set of exercises. Then again it looks super easy when Soe Min does it. I did not do that cause i felt that it should be very tiring and i would get cramps around my stomach tomorrow. May be i will do it during the next gym session. My stomach was growling like mad after gym. Went to the canteen and ordered chicken rice add rice add egg. Added chilli and it was super spicy that it left a burning sensation on my lips. Drank a cup of ice milk tea then went to the bleaches.
Met my chimology friend, mamudigeda. Actually until now i still really know how to spell his name properly. Started talking rubbish to him and somehow i became super high. We were talking about his surgery due in April for his always dislocating hand and i started making up weird ideas to do if he got a dislocated shoulder again. I told him that next time he got a dislocated arm again, try swinging it around like a propeller. Okay thats silly. Then we saw Jessica playing cards. Xin Fu was just beside her and i said that they were couples. Then mamudigeda agreed and commented about the way their body language showed that they accept each other. The topic of the conversation changed to body languages and we started talking about crossing of legs. I noticed something. Mamudigeda was sitting beside another guy and another guy was sitting beside this another guy and both their legs were crossed such that the soles of their feet was facing the centre guy. So i told mamudigeda, do u 2 hate the centre person alot? He replied something that meant yes. I think i actually asked that question so loudly that the centre guy could hear but anyway, is it really true that crossing of legs is accurate? For me, i prefer to cross my legs with right over left cause if i cross left over right, my legs would hurt and i believe that i am not the only person around who cannot cross their legs left over right. Then we moved on to talk about the toes of your feet and where is it pointing at. Mamudigeda said that if everyone was sitted in a room randomly and scattered, you could see the direction in which the toes point and determine who prefers who. Then i commented that he likes the sports complex cause his feet were pointing in that direction.
Lectures began for me and it was quite intresting to attend the GP lecture. We watched 2 short clips. One was about some problem about japan's education system. It was some documentary and it featured how a cramp school operated. I think i would probably freak out if i was to attend this kind of school. It is more of a intensive cramp all the knowledge in the books into your brain in a short time school. What they do there is to teach and then have test. You are not allowed to sleep until you have passed the test. Then we watched a short part of "dead poet's school". Wait im not sure of the title, but anw, the show was about emphasising invidual thinking and mindsets and not to conform with the majority behaviour. It was about being unique. I like the show very much but sadly, we could only watch part of it.
So lectures ended and then there was this personality test for all of us! It was quite fun and the speaker made all of us in the Lecture Theatre (LT) laugh alot. There was this part of the talk where the speaker made us sign with our left hand then made our friends point at it and laugh. It was really fun to attend that talk. Have to wait until friday to know the results of my personality.
Then MRC. We cleaned OHPs today. Not really fun but gets really challenging when you meet spoilt OHPs. So my team was in charged of cleaning level 2 and 7 and the LTs. At first we thought that we did not have to clean level 2 and 7 because they were all locked but after we went back to the MRC room and discovered that Wei Liang helped us to open the doors and lock them back after we are suppose to be done, we went to clean all of them. Met with 2 spoilt OHPs on level 2 and none on level 7. both the OHPs had something got to do with the wall plugs. The wires were all lose inside the plug?! So after repairing them, my team went back to MRC room and the rest came back. Zhong Xian and Brandon were trying to repair 1 OHP. I must say that they are rich people cause they don't take into consideration about cost. They chopped a perfectly working wall plug from the OHP. OH MY SKY! I was super angry with it. The wall plug just had a missing fuse and they chopped it off! Then Zhong Xian was telling me the pins were slanted and it was hard to plug it into the wall point but so what? It still gets in! ARGH! So wasted a wall plug and even after the new members changed to a new wall plug, the OHP did not work. End up, Brandon came along and asked me to repair it. Did some test on the OHP and concluded that it was the fault of a blown fuse. Changed it and wala! It shines again. So wasted a wall plug just to repair a OHP with a blown fuse. You guys may think that im too critical about such things but the reason im angry with it is because they never even confirm that it is the fault of the wall plug and just cut it off. Whats more is that the wall plug was of a moulded kind and the chances of it having a lose wire is like 0.1%? Shall not talk about it anymore. There is so much more i want to "talk" about MRC but i shall just remain silent and bottle it up until one day when i cannot take it anymore, i will just do what should be right.
Came home super late and could feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere at home. My brother losed his file carrying bag and it contained alot of files within it. My mother was super pissed. Don't feel very comfortable every time my mother is pissed. It sorts of reminds me of the days when i was young and foolish and always keep getting scoldings from my mother.
Now the good part. Today is another day where i only start lectures at 11.50! So this time wasn't as boring as yesterday cause i went to the gym! Jin Zhe and Soe Min were doing the medicine ball thing. It looked super tough cause Jin Zhe was shouting and using all his strength to complete the whole set of exercises. Then again it looks super easy when Soe Min does it. I did not do that cause i felt that it should be very tiring and i would get cramps around my stomach tomorrow. May be i will do it during the next gym session. My stomach was growling like mad after gym. Went to the canteen and ordered chicken rice add rice add egg. Added chilli and it was super spicy that it left a burning sensation on my lips. Drank a cup of ice milk tea then went to the bleaches.
Met my chimology friend, mamudigeda. Actually until now i still really know how to spell his name properly. Started talking rubbish to him and somehow i became super high. We were talking about his surgery due in April for his always dislocating hand and i started making up weird ideas to do if he got a dislocated shoulder again. I told him that next time he got a dislocated arm again, try swinging it around like a propeller. Okay thats silly. Then we saw Jessica playing cards. Xin Fu was just beside her and i said that they were couples. Then mamudigeda agreed and commented about the way their body language showed that they accept each other. The topic of the conversation changed to body languages and we started talking about crossing of legs. I noticed something. Mamudigeda was sitting beside another guy and another guy was sitting beside this another guy and both their legs were crossed such that the soles of their feet was facing the centre guy. So i told mamudigeda, do u 2 hate the centre person alot? He replied something that meant yes. I think i actually asked that question so loudly that the centre guy could hear but anyway, is it really true that crossing of legs is accurate? For me, i prefer to cross my legs with right over left cause if i cross left over right, my legs would hurt and i believe that i am not the only person around who cannot cross their legs left over right. Then we moved on to talk about the toes of your feet and where is it pointing at. Mamudigeda said that if everyone was sitted in a room randomly and scattered, you could see the direction in which the toes point and determine who prefers who. Then i commented that he likes the sports complex cause his feet were pointing in that direction.
Lectures began for me and it was quite intresting to attend the GP lecture. We watched 2 short clips. One was about some problem about japan's education system. It was some documentary and it featured how a cramp school operated. I think i would probably freak out if i was to attend this kind of school. It is more of a intensive cramp all the knowledge in the books into your brain in a short time school. What they do there is to teach and then have test. You are not allowed to sleep until you have passed the test. Then we watched a short part of "dead poet's school". Wait im not sure of the title, but anw, the show was about emphasising invidual thinking and mindsets and not to conform with the majority behaviour. It was about being unique. I like the show very much but sadly, we could only watch part of it.
So lectures ended and then there was this personality test for all of us! It was quite fun and the speaker made all of us in the Lecture Theatre (LT) laugh alot. There was this part of the talk where the speaker made us sign with our left hand then made our friends point at it and laugh. It was really fun to attend that talk. Have to wait until friday to know the results of my personality.
Then MRC. We cleaned OHPs today. Not really fun but gets really challenging when you meet spoilt OHPs. So my team was in charged of cleaning level 2 and 7 and the LTs. At first we thought that we did not have to clean level 2 and 7 because they were all locked but after we went back to the MRC room and discovered that Wei Liang helped us to open the doors and lock them back after we are suppose to be done, we went to clean all of them. Met with 2 spoilt OHPs on level 2 and none on level 7. both the OHPs had something got to do with the wall plugs. The wires were all lose inside the plug?! So after repairing them, my team went back to MRC room and the rest came back. Zhong Xian and Brandon were trying to repair 1 OHP. I must say that they are rich people cause they don't take into consideration about cost. They chopped a perfectly working wall plug from the OHP. OH MY SKY! I was super angry with it. The wall plug just had a missing fuse and they chopped it off! Then Zhong Xian was telling me the pins were slanted and it was hard to plug it into the wall point but so what? It still gets in! ARGH! So wasted a wall plug and even after the new members changed to a new wall plug, the OHP did not work. End up, Brandon came along and asked me to repair it. Did some test on the OHP and concluded that it was the fault of a blown fuse. Changed it and wala! It shines again. So wasted a wall plug just to repair a OHP with a blown fuse. You guys may think that im too critical about such things but the reason im angry with it is because they never even confirm that it is the fault of the wall plug and just cut it off. Whats more is that the wall plug was of a moulded kind and the chances of it having a lose wire is like 0.1%? Shall not talk about it anymore. There is so much more i want to "talk" about MRC but i shall just remain silent and bottle it up until one day when i cannot take it anymore, i will just do what should be right.
Came home super late and could feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere at home. My brother losed his file carrying bag and it contained alot of files within it. My mother was super pissed. Don't feel very comfortable every time my mother is pissed. It sorts of reminds me of the days when i was young and foolish and always keep getting scoldings from my mother.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Hello! Second day of school after march holidays and things have started to move on nicely. School started late at 8.10am today but i still reached school at the normal time which is around 6.50. You can say that its very stupid of me going to school so early when school starts late but i rather have a ride on my parents car than to take the bus in the morning. So with so much spare time in school, i took a walk around school compound. Morning walk as Winston would say. I walked to the cage and WOW! IT WAS OPEN! Wei Liang was the one who opened it. Decided that since its open, i would go get my bag and come back up again. It was early and i had alot of time to mess around with the sound portion of the cage, my favourite part. Added a delay of 44.24ms to the rear speakers. I got 44.24ms from a equation that used the distance between the 2 speakers and the speed at which sound travelled. The result is better coherence between the 2 speaker. No more double image. So assembly is the same.
This day was very very boring. There were no lessons till 11.50am. What was there to do? Nothing but slack, stone and rot. Went to the sports complex and looked around. Berdnard, Shern Shern, Jin Zhe and this funny malay guy, who wants me to call him sexy, were gyming. Stayed on till it was around time. Before the lecture started, i took a trip to the library. Met my new class mates over there and talked to them for awhile.
Well, lectures were kind of all right for me but the good thing is school ended at 1.10pm. Quickly went home and I met Wei Jie on the way. We were talking about so much stuff like cars, taxis, aircraft, and more and more. Then i reached home.
Woah i tell you, i did ALOT of housework today. ALOT for me that is. Started with the toilets. The toilets grew dirtier day by day until i could not take it anymore. Flushed everything down with high pressure water and scrubed the toilet bowl till it was clean. The shower point area was the most disgusting part with all the hair stuck at the drainage pipe. Used tissue to wipe it up and then flushed it down the toilet bowl. Washed the common toilet and my master bedroom's toilet. Then after washing, i decided it was time to re-position my speakers. Removed them from their current positions and then started to think. I tried using maths to calculate the toe in angle for the speakers but it sort of failed. so in the end i settled with a slight toe in, which i totally did not know what angle it is, and this time i made it a point that both the speakers were toeing in at the same angle and their distance from the rear wall was the same. The result? Well initial listening is quite pleasant with the highs at the right place and the centre stage being more prominent. However, i felt that the bass became more boomy. Not very sure of my initial listenings cause i believe that it may be of a psychological effect cause i put in so much effort. Imagine using rulers and sticking tape on the floor to mark then shift the speaker here and there. After re-positioning the speakers, i had to sweep the floor cause it was super dusty after i re-positioned them. The main stuff that i swept up were loads of strands of hair. Finally, the last thing i did was to clean my fan. It was so dusty that the fan had a hard time blowing out air.
I saw this video somewhere showing mythbuster. It was an episode about subwoofers and they were trying to see if will a subwoofer destroy a car. I love it! The way they built a subwoofer, its insane. All metal with only rubber as its surround. They did not use amplifiers but instead they used the engine's transmission to push it up and down. It measured 51 inch across and its really insane! They powered it and yes it works. It produced a frequency of 16hz at a Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of 160+dB. Thats VERY VERY LOUD and it VERY VERY LOW frequency. Imagine this, normal hearing frequency for a human is 20hz to 20000hz and 160+dB is as if a jet engine is at full blast just over ur head. The slow motion of the 51 inch woofer flexing is just super awesome. However, the car did not explode or shatter to pieces, so myth busted.
This day was very very boring. There were no lessons till 11.50am. What was there to do? Nothing but slack, stone and rot. Went to the sports complex and looked around. Berdnard, Shern Shern, Jin Zhe and this funny malay guy, who wants me to call him sexy, were gyming. Stayed on till it was around time. Before the lecture started, i took a trip to the library. Met my new class mates over there and talked to them for awhile.
Well, lectures were kind of all right for me but the good thing is school ended at 1.10pm. Quickly went home and I met Wei Jie on the way. We were talking about so much stuff like cars, taxis, aircraft, and more and more. Then i reached home.
Woah i tell you, i did ALOT of housework today. ALOT for me that is. Started with the toilets. The toilets grew dirtier day by day until i could not take it anymore. Flushed everything down with high pressure water and scrubed the toilet bowl till it was clean. The shower point area was the most disgusting part with all the hair stuck at the drainage pipe. Used tissue to wipe it up and then flushed it down the toilet bowl. Washed the common toilet and my master bedroom's toilet. Then after washing, i decided it was time to re-position my speakers. Removed them from their current positions and then started to think. I tried using maths to calculate the toe in angle for the speakers but it sort of failed. so in the end i settled with a slight toe in, which i totally did not know what angle it is, and this time i made it a point that both the speakers were toeing in at the same angle and their distance from the rear wall was the same. The result? Well initial listening is quite pleasant with the highs at the right place and the centre stage being more prominent. However, i felt that the bass became more boomy. Not very sure of my initial listenings cause i believe that it may be of a psychological effect cause i put in so much effort. Imagine using rulers and sticking tape on the floor to mark then shift the speaker here and there. After re-positioning the speakers, i had to sweep the floor cause it was super dusty after i re-positioned them. The main stuff that i swept up were loads of strands of hair. Finally, the last thing i did was to clean my fan. It was so dusty that the fan had a hard time blowing out air.
I saw this video somewhere showing mythbuster. It was an episode about subwoofers and they were trying to see if will a subwoofer destroy a car. I love it! The way they built a subwoofer, its insane. All metal with only rubber as its surround. They did not use amplifiers but instead they used the engine's transmission to push it up and down. It measured 51 inch across and its really insane! They powered it and yes it works. It produced a frequency of 16hz at a Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of 160+dB. Thats VERY VERY LOUD and it VERY VERY LOW frequency. Imagine this, normal hearing frequency for a human is 20hz to 20000hz and 160+dB is as if a jet engine is at full blast just over ur head. The slow motion of the 51 inch woofer flexing is just super awesome. However, the car did not explode or shatter to pieces, so myth busted.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Okay! Its sort of finally done (: Finally! its been eons since i last blogged and cause it has been so long, i decided to start a new blog. well blogger has changed its owner and now although being runned by a much much much bigger company, there is so many problems with uploading my own template. no matter how hard i try to save the settings under the template section, it does show in the preview part but it will not show if i opened a window and typed in my blog's address. but oh well, i shall just let it be and try to update the template as long as blogger allows me to update it.
All righty, enough of blogger and the problems i meet with it. March holidays just flew pass and it really flew. Lets see, Monday and Tuesday had Media Resource Club (MRC) camp. It is pretty boring at some parts but overall it was quite fun?! Did all the stupid and funny things but learned skills and techniques in the course. Felt very worn out after the whole camp. Kept on stoning towards the end of the camp. Oh! Reason to being so tired after MRC camp is because? I played non-stop Mah jong throughout the night. Currently there is only 6 of us J1s in MRC and thats a very tiny amount of J1s. During the camp, we went to the sky garden to take photo! Its really alot of random shots. Don't you think this is kind of random?!

Wednesday was badminton day. In the morning, Wee Meng organised a badminton game so just went to have fun with them. Afterall they are my ex-classmates and those people are really fun! Rather sad that all of us must go our seperate ways. You might be wondering why did i name it badminton day? Cause i played ALOT of badminton! Morning was badminton, then evening was badminton again! First time i played badminton twice in a day. Felt really tired after 2 badminton sessions and i was already feeling very tired since it was just after the MRC camp.
Thursday had a medical checkup for my backbone and Friday was just home.
Then came Saturday! My very initiative ex-classmate, Darran, organised a class outing! So i went and it was sure full of fun. At first we wanted to go to East Coast Park. But after some discussion and voting we decided against it and instead went to Sentosa! Took a train to harbour front and went into Vivo city to take the new monorail to Sentosa. It was my very first time going to Vivo city so i was sort of going "woah!" at everything. The first floor was the "totally cannot buy anything" floor cause its all the super branded stuff. As you travel upwards, you will find the price of goods to be in the more comfortable range. Got the tickets for the monorails and went to queue for it and before i knew it, i was in Sentosa. we settled on one of the beaches and lazed. The soccer guys went to kick some balls and the rest just sat under the shade. Oh, we sort of stole the shade from another person's possesion. Very sorry about it. So it was just laze, play, think, shout, etc until i could not take it anymore and asked around for people who are intrested to bike. So ended up biking with a clement, shei pin, zhe kai, yan ru and su jun. The girls are really slow. they arrived back late although we all went the same route. Almost had to pay extra $5 for each bike because they came in late. Fortunately the uncle was kind enough to return me my EZ-Link card without additional top up. Then swimming! I was like "alamak! I did nt bring extra clothes, how?" Asked around for extra clothes and derek was so kind to lend me his pants. So "woots!" ran towards the see and swam across to the other island. Dylan and GuanZhong were already there and they attacked me with sand! End up my shorts was full of sand. Then when clement strolled towards us, we whacked him with loads of sand. Dylan went to throw a handfull of sand inside his shorts. It must have felt super uncomfortable. Right Clement? Then we played volleyball. At first it was "in the sea" volleyball. Then we progressed and upgraded to "on land" volleyball. There was this group of people were super kind to lend us their volleyballs. All of us were noobs except for liu kong. Throughout the game, we could only hear him saying "my one! My one!" It was a really fun day too meet up and catch up with all the 4/2 people and it was very fortunate of us to meet with so many kind people.
Monday came. There was this band from australia. Wait. Are they a band? Or is the female singer just a singer and the band is just a impromptu thing? Anyway, they played really well! I loved the bass guitarist and the electric guitarist. They are like super good at their instruments! We had to arrive early to setup the hall for the chapel session and it was pretty messed up. Its not the fault of xiang jun, she already did a very good job in my honest opinion. One of the member of the band came to me and asked me about the fallbacks and i was like "huh? Fallbacks?" Obviously i did not know what are fall backs, but i guess he was refering to the stage monitors. They were like paralleling 3 stage monitors to one amp and during the chappel session, the amps internal fan actually turned on to keep it cool. The reason why paralleling too many speakers to one amp is not recommended is because paralleing causes the impedance seen at the amplifier's output to drop. A low impedance would mean a high load which causes the amplifier to conduct more current therefore causing a temperature rise during operation. luckily the amp did not overheat. I was posted to manage the light mixer and i seriously screwed up the first part. I forgot to turn on the stage lights. Miss Tay barged into the cage and went "Isn't Zhen Ning supposed to do the light mixer?!?!" So a mistake made. But after that, it just went on quite smoothly for me.
After chappel, xiang jun and me went to our base class. So many new faces and only 7 familiar ones. 8 girls and so many boys. 2 nan huarians and so many RVrians. But "woah!" of all places, i meet my badminton friend in the class! Like me he wanted to go to a polytechnic but in the end continued with a JC education. Lectures was kind of just the same old things. School ended at 1.10pm which is super early. Went gyming and now i feel so tired with all the muscles aching.
All righty, enough of blogger and the problems i meet with it. March holidays just flew pass and it really flew. Lets see, Monday and Tuesday had Media Resource Club (MRC) camp. It is pretty boring at some parts but overall it was quite fun?! Did all the stupid and funny things but learned skills and techniques in the course. Felt very worn out after the whole camp. Kept on stoning towards the end of the camp. Oh! Reason to being so tired after MRC camp is because? I played non-stop Mah jong throughout the night. Currently there is only 6 of us J1s in MRC and thats a very tiny amount of J1s. During the camp, we went to the sky garden to take photo! Its really alot of random shots. Don't you think this is kind of random?!
Wednesday was badminton day. In the morning, Wee Meng organised a badminton game so just went to have fun with them. Afterall they are my ex-classmates and those people are really fun! Rather sad that all of us must go our seperate ways. You might be wondering why did i name it badminton day? Cause i played ALOT of badminton! Morning was badminton, then evening was badminton again! First time i played badminton twice in a day. Felt really tired after 2 badminton sessions and i was already feeling very tired since it was just after the MRC camp.
Thursday had a medical checkup for my backbone and Friday was just home.
Then came Saturday! My very initiative ex-classmate, Darran, organised a class outing! So i went and it was sure full of fun. At first we wanted to go to East Coast Park. But after some discussion and voting we decided against it and instead went to Sentosa! Took a train to harbour front and went into Vivo city to take the new monorail to Sentosa. It was my very first time going to Vivo city so i was sort of going "woah!" at everything. The first floor was the "totally cannot buy anything" floor cause its all the super branded stuff. As you travel upwards, you will find the price of goods to be in the more comfortable range. Got the tickets for the monorails and went to queue for it and before i knew it, i was in Sentosa. we settled on one of the beaches and lazed. The soccer guys went to kick some balls and the rest just sat under the shade. Oh, we sort of stole the shade from another person's possesion. Very sorry about it. So it was just laze, play, think, shout, etc until i could not take it anymore and asked around for people who are intrested to bike. So ended up biking with a clement, shei pin, zhe kai, yan ru and su jun. The girls are really slow. they arrived back late although we all went the same route. Almost had to pay extra $5 for each bike because they came in late. Fortunately the uncle was kind enough to return me my EZ-Link card without additional top up. Then swimming! I was like "alamak! I did nt bring extra clothes, how?" Asked around for extra clothes and derek was so kind to lend me his pants. So "woots!" ran towards the see and swam across to the other island. Dylan and GuanZhong were already there and they attacked me with sand! End up my shorts was full of sand. Then when clement strolled towards us, we whacked him with loads of sand. Dylan went to throw a handfull of sand inside his shorts. It must have felt super uncomfortable. Right Clement? Then we played volleyball. At first it was "in the sea" volleyball. Then we progressed and upgraded to "on land" volleyball. There was this group of people were super kind to lend us their volleyballs. All of us were noobs except for liu kong. Throughout the game, we could only hear him saying "my one! My one!" It was a really fun day too meet up and catch up with all the 4/2 people and it was very fortunate of us to meet with so many kind people.
Monday came. There was this band from australia. Wait. Are they a band? Or is the female singer just a singer and the band is just a impromptu thing? Anyway, they played really well! I loved the bass guitarist and the electric guitarist. They are like super good at their instruments! We had to arrive early to setup the hall for the chapel session and it was pretty messed up. Its not the fault of xiang jun, she already did a very good job in my honest opinion. One of the member of the band came to me and asked me about the fallbacks and i was like "huh? Fallbacks?" Obviously i did not know what are fall backs, but i guess he was refering to the stage monitors. They were like paralleling 3 stage monitors to one amp and during the chappel session, the amps internal fan actually turned on to keep it cool. The reason why paralleling too many speakers to one amp is not recommended is because paralleing causes the impedance seen at the amplifier's output to drop. A low impedance would mean a high load which causes the amplifier to conduct more current therefore causing a temperature rise during operation. luckily the amp did not overheat. I was posted to manage the light mixer and i seriously screwed up the first part. I forgot to turn on the stage lights. Miss Tay barged into the cage and went "Isn't Zhen Ning supposed to do the light mixer?!?!" So a mistake made. But after that, it just went on quite smoothly for me.
After chappel, xiang jun and me went to our base class. So many new faces and only 7 familiar ones. 8 girls and so many boys. 2 nan huarians and so many RVrians. But "woah!" of all places, i meet my badminton friend in the class! Like me he wanted to go to a polytechnic but in the end continued with a JC education. Lectures was kind of just the same old things. School ended at 1.10pm which is super early. Went gyming and now i feel so tired with all the muscles aching.
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